Friday, March 28, 2008

in the throes of Sir O's

Somebody is teething with a vengeance.
He's been impossible today.
Luckily I can {sort of } handle impossible, although it does take a toll on me.

Today we celebrated the mud being mostly dried-up, and played outside and got filthy in the dirt. The irony is not lost on me.

Not even wearing his super-cape could sweeten the mood for long. I am reminding myself that rough spells are only spells and always end.


Chell said...

Someone is clearly not having a good day. Poor little guy. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for you both, those pesky teeth... Love his little "cape"

Ashley said...

Not even the super cape??? Oh dear... I hope he feels better soon!

Deena said...

Have you tried teething tablets? They work pretty well when Glitter's mouth has her diaper in a twist.

Deena said...

Or was that supposed to be in a wad?

wjh said...

Can't Renn the dentist man come up with some kind of a solution?

Anonymous said...

Love the cape. I'm crossing my fingers that Peanut is finally done with teeth for a while. Her mouth seems to be full, so I'm hoping. So it looks like Dir O decided to give the dirt a nice little taste. Mmmmm. How was it?

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