Monday, March 10, 2008

Mr Renn's zoology major put to use

We rather spontaneously joined the Phila Zoo today. It is, after all, the only place around here where you can chill with giraffes. And giraffes, as we all know, are the coolest. It was a great way to spend the first official day of Renn's spring break. Well, other than the part where it was so cold my hands turned purpley. (Hence keeping them tucked inside my sleeves). Sir O LOVES to watch animals. He especially loves to watch them eat. We watched the zookeeper feeding crickets to the meercats and it was great fun for all (so long as you weren't a cricket). I couldn't help wondering where and how one comes by buckets full of live crickets. Hmmmm....

Being so cold and out-of-season, we dealt with very few crowds and kind of had the place to ourselves. The giraffes put on a footrace for us, the polar bear did a water ballet, and we had an up close and personal interview with a leopard. AND Mr Renn got to see the capybaras. Can't beat that. (See all our zoo photos here)

By the time we called it quits Sir O was pooped!


Chantele Sedgwick said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! I am so excited to go to the zoo this summer!

Anonymous said...

Cute jacket!

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