Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Our little family at the ward party tonight. About 1/2 of the folks there were able to figure out what Renn was (even with Oliver close by). Can you? I, on the other hand, went the "barely made an effort" route. Can you blame me? (The rest of our party photos here)

Stay tuned, I let Mr Renn go to the World Series game Monday on the condition that he blog about it himself and bring me a treat. But since the game got rained out half way through, both you and I find ourselves waiting for our reward. (But the World Series Part I photos are here... coming soon, part II !)


Deena said...

At the risk of sounding stupid...is he Dr. Doolittle? If I'm wrong, delete this. :)

He could have brought you a treat then and when the resume play... You're a very nice wife.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that Sir O is Curious George and Mr. Renn is the man in the yellow hat. Does he have a name? I don't remember. I have to say, though, I really enjoy your costume. :) On your back did you have a blue triangle with some vague fortune printed on it?

samunwritten said...

Curious George!!

Please tell me I'm right...

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I took one look at him before I even read your post and thought Man in the Yellow Hat! Hopefully I am right...right? Cute sir O as well!:) Your costume is hilarious! That is such a good idea for a pregnant mommy!:)

Ashley said...

I love you costume Em, brilliant and so easy! What was Mr. Renn?

Brittany said...

Well, I was going to guess that he was Col. Mustard. But after reading others guesses, I suppose the man with the yellow hat makes much more sense.

--jeff * said...

frankly, i think the "magic eight ball" costume is quite good. and i like that monkey and man with yellow hat concept, too....

mr renn, we await your writings.

la_sale_bete said...

I love your 8 ball costume--what a great (and probably comfortable idea)!

OhLookADuck said...

Cute costumes! Looks like you had a great time.

I have a question for you regarding your blog but didn't see a way to contact you apart from the comments. If you wouldn't mind, could you contact me? I'd feel so much less like a stalker that way. Since I'm not, you know, stalking.

Anyway, thanks if you do, and I understand if you don't.


Carolanne said...

I'm not sure about Mr. Renn, but I know what you were. Very fun idea! As for the game, I was kind of rooting for the Rays, but it still would have be really cool to be at the final game!

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