Sunday, October 26, 2008

my raining face

This made me cry like a baby.
Big surprise.
I needed that kind of a cry after crying about this yesterday. There's a widowed pregnant mother of a toddler who could certainly use your prayers and mine right now. Her name is Susie, and I went to high school with her, and the similarities in our families shakes my core. Go hug your family, and pray, pray, pray.


Heather Crozier said...

I heard about this yesterday too. I've known her since elementary. I just can't believe her husband was murdered. I can't stop thinking about it now.

Deena said...

I read that nie nie article today too. It was a great article, but it definitely caused some tears.

Angela said...

The article about Stephanie was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
I can't even begin to guess how your friend in AZ must be feeling right now. She is living my nightmare.

Chell said...

OI can see why both of these made you cry. So so sad abtou your friend who lost her husband in such a senseless act

Brittany said...

Uh Em, I am right there with you. I think I've cried more in the last week, than I have ever! The Stephanie story made me cry and I knew nothing about her. Thanks for sharing it. It makes me want to be a better person.

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