Wednesday, December 03, 2008

in which I kill you with cuteness

Today I tackled the ever popular if kitchy holly cookies, then made a late night of sugar cookie-baking. My feet and back are not happy about it, but the rest of me is.
I decided to thank Mr Renn for keeping Sir O out from under my feet tonight with the scraps...
Do I get cute wife points for this?

And when I finally declared the massive task of baking sugar-cookies over, look what I found waiting for me....
Life is good, no?


Ginnie said...

I would say life is great! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of them both asleep. Tender. Yay for Christmas baking!

Deena said...

Sugar cookies AND a two sleeping babies. Can't get much better than that!

--jeff * said...

i'd say you've earned many cute points.

is good.

The Libutti Family said...

Love the picture! Congrats on baking sugar cookies... I am still working on rolling them out and not having them get all gooey and fall apart. Not one of my strengths as a baker. Also... loved your '1000th post' post. I so enjoy what you write and feel the same way you do about blogging. Thanks for persevering!

Ashley H. said...

Congrats on getting your Christmas goodies done early! Cute picture of Ren and Oliver.

Leith said...

Awwwww, on every count.

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