Thursday, January 08, 2009


I suppose I am "reporting in" at this point.
I feel obligated to provide profound insight into parenthood and procreation, but I'm having a hard time thinking beyond the realm of prune juice and ice packs.
I've had profound thoughts, just not time to compound them into coherent verbage.

I will say that having one's spouse at one's disposal at all times makes a world of difference when recovering from labor. I wish I had appreciated it the first time, since I will never have that luxury again. And I bet Sir O wasn't fully appreciating all the Mr Renn he was hogging from me either.

So how about the sleepy face of Capt. Graham? That's what you're really here for anyway, isn't it? Can't say I blame you.


The Skinners said...

No need to think of anything profound to say. Just a picture of him says it all... hes precious.

Jenna said...

Oh Em, he is SOOOOO cute! It drove me crazy to not come and see him today! Greg and I will come tomorrow. I'm so happy for you. Thanks for keeping an eye on everything while we were gone.

Deena said...

He is such a beautiful baby.

Anonymous said...

The Capt. is absolutely charming. What a sweet little face. I like the holding hands picture, too.

The Hodges Family said...

Thanks for the update! So glad your mom was able to make it out there also....hope your home finds you safe and sound =) Capt Graham is ADORABLE!

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful! Congratulations!

Ashley said...

Congratulations Emily and Renn! What a little sweety!

pepper said...

He is so beautiful! Congratulations. Can't wait to hear...and see more, so sweet.

Heather Crozier said...

Emily, Graham is adorable. And I love that picture of your hands holding. How cute.

I hope you heal quickly. :)

Kori said...

Sweet, precious, darling, cute, special...that should about cover him! Hope YOU are doing okay.

Chell said...

He is precious. I hope you are enjoying this sweet little bundle!!

Miss Crys said...

Such a beautiful little guy, that's about all there is to it! :) Hope you are feeling okay Em, you sound great.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

He is beautiful Em!

Cam said...

>>I will say that having one's spouse at one's disposal at all times makes a world of difference when recovering from labor.<<
Keep us the good work, Renn. You're helping to raise the reputation of fathers everywhere. :) Now if we can somehow match our spouse's increased level of expectation!

Anonymous said...

Emily, I think you had an easier time coming up with a blog name for you new little one, then you did with a real name! That was quick. So Captain it is, huh? Does Renn fall in line behind that one so easily? I though the dad was the Captain. Maybe I just watched Sound of Music to many times! He is beautiful. Glad he is here healthy and safe.

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