Sir O and Peanut. They got on swimmingly, as they ought to. These kiddos were very nearly born the same day. Just one of many ways in which HSF and I are nearly estranged twins. I absolutely love it that I can have such a close friend whom I've only met in real life twice. I wish we were real-life neighbors. We'd have an insane amount of fun. (You know, crafty artsy mom type fun)
Jeff is awesome, not only for driving up to visit with me, but for finding my life as a parent so fascinating when by every worldly standard his life is far more fascinating than mine. I have not got words for how happy this kid makes me with his eternal perspective and insightful priorities. He is going to go far and he can't help but be a blessing to everyone who knows him.
We also got to spend our evening with some of the most genuinely good people in all the world. Jake and Kori graced us with their awesome kitchen skills, and even better with some great company. The kind of a visit where you are smiling for hours afterward because they make you feel so good. It helped that Sir O adored their kids. There was lots of positive peer pressure going on for him in that house.
I love my Utahns!
Good luck seeing everyone! It's one of the many times in life that you wish you could be two places at once! Well just have fun and no stress. I'm with you it's always fun to go to Utah!Enjoy...
I love that picture of Sir O and Peanut. They look a little bit like brother and sister.
Sir O and Peanut should get married!!! Holy crap they would have thee cutest babies ever!
Josh and I are terribly envious of your visit with Jake and Kori. Yet I am so glad to see that you are doing so well there! :D
When I clicked on your page and saw Peanut with Sir O, I was so excited!! I recognized her immediately, and was suddenly so HAPPY you got to hang out with HSF! I'v never met either of you IRL, but I feel like you're my friends anyway, and I'm so happy you have each other!
*sappy tears being wiped away*
Glad you're having such fun in Utah. Hope the rest of your vacation is wonderful...
no need to e-mail the picture; i swiped it from your post. ; )
while the foundations of our friendship were forged on film sets, i think that, like hsf, we've become much better friends over the blogs.
yes, it was fun. i hope we can do it again.
What a fun time. I think the only thing that could have made it better is if we could have flown Tracy in, too. Thanks for the wonderful visit. I love having you as a friend!
I know tall guys when I see em, and I can say with a high level of confidence that Jake is TALL!
It really was a lovely evening. Your boys are just precious and your little family seems to be doing well in PA. I do not doubt that returning to your "home alone" state is a little sad. I feel the same way and I'm within a 20 mile radius of several family members. The little ones definitely make you home-bound. Hang in there, the weather is definitely brightening up!
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