Wednesday, April 08, 2009


I came to the sad realization that I haven't blogged anything substantial in, oh, 3 months.


I really badly want to believe that I can be more productive than I have been. Life has been all about skimming the surface, doing what has to be done to get by. Not a lot of anything that injects me with energy or enthusiasm. And far too many frustrated spells wherein I commit regrettable behavior. Sir O is not the only one guilty of tantrums.

But the Captain has started giggling, and that makes it mostly worth it. (He's also started pinching, and it hurts)

I'm hanging on and hoping that all the "after 6 months I felt like I had a handle on being a mother of two" comments will prove true. I'm halfway there.

I really appreciated the comment in GC that being a parent is a form of service, not only to the children, but also to a loving God who appreciates loving parents willing to sacrifice a great deal to raise and nurture His children. Because these boys I spend all day every day with? They aren't going to remember much of this, so it has to be worth it some other way.

This is the part where you pat me on the back and tell me it gets better once I'm getting a reasonable amount of sleep. Um, go for it.


Martha said...

Dearest Em... I Love You!! I've been told that the first several months after any child is born can be so difficult because you feel so tired and unproductive. I wish I had marvelous words of wisdom, but I don't. I just know things will get better, and that you ARE a really great mom! I truly believe you are!! :) Love you.

Krystal said...

OH Emily I think you are too hard on yourself. If only we were all like you. I too think you are a amazing person, wife, mother, etc... Hang in there with the whole two kid thing. Some days are better then others. As for the picture of you and the boys as babies, wow I know were they get all there hair. YOu had a ton! So cute and oh so lucky.

Amanda said...

consider yourself patted. It really does get easier. You are a great mom. You're right about the kids not remembering all the sacrifices you are making for them right now, but the Lord knows.
Cut yourself a little slack and try to enjoy these crazy months with a new baby. They are only small for a short time and remember that Sir O is probably going a little stir crazy since he can't get out of the house on a regular basis, and he probably wants to make sure that his mom still loves him even though there is another baby in the house.
Your kids love you, your family loves you, your friends love you and the Lord loves you, regardless of any shortcomings you see in yourself. (we don't see them)

Carolanne said...

It really does get better after six months. It's amazing what sleep will do for you. And when you say you haven't blog about anything substantial, I have to argue that point. You've written about your family, and in the end that is the most substantial thing you can have. I'm often amazed by your wit and introspection, even in the 'mommy blogs'. You are wonderful!

Chell said...

Oh Em hang in there. I don't have kids but I know what you mean about skimming the surface and not feeling like you are getting anything substansial done. I have been that way for months now but mine is do to work, and school and not being able to stay asleep longer than 4 hours...

Anonymous said...

Sleep helps. It does. Some days are just harder than others, but it does get better. Hang in there.

Aby Runyan said...

Alright, so I've been a stalker for quite a while now (before you were even pregnant with The Captain) and it seems time to leave a comment and admit to my presence.
I found your cute blog through Ali Shepherd's blog who IS a friend so I'm not just some random looky-loo.

Here's the thing. The beginnings of two is hard, and then they get a bit older and you realize two is actually easier then one. They start to play together and all of a sudden you've got some freedom. Maybe not much compared to life before kiddos, but what FEELS like a lot compared to life with tiny kiddos that can't amuse themselves without destroying the house.

Your Sir O cracks me up with his messes and large personality. He's one like my Capri who I often say is among the elite few who will eventually rule the world.

luvs, aby runyan

The Libutti Family said...

Yes, sleep helps. Absolutely it gets better. Hormones settle, new routines are established, everyone gets older and less demanding for their physical needs to be met Right At This Very Moment. I have a sneaking suspicion you are more productive than you think... blogs, reading, bathing, going for walks, taking pictures... all that AND taking care of two kids?? You're getting a lot done. Be proud!! Well done!!

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