Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Captain has a new trick


hairyshoefairy said...

Wow! What a big guy!

Ashley said...

What a cutie. I love how he flashes you that darling smile!

The Hodges Family said...

Hes sitting up and looking more and more like Mr Oliver everyday! Hes adorable!

Krystal said...

I agree that smile is adorable! What a sweet little boy. Don't you just love this age. It's so fun! He is so chubby...I love it! Sitting up today and crawling tomorrow.

K-Krew said...

Wow! Sitting up already. J needs to watch this and take some notes :)

Do you like LDSjournal? I've been contemplating doing something online...

Cam said...

So..."the trick" is that he sits up by himself now? As the video neared the end, I was asking myself, where's the trick? I had to cheat and read other comments to get a clue. Me thinks that a degreed film maker could have dropped a few more subtle hints to help those of us who are slow. ;)

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