It is very easy to get out of the habit of blogging when there are plenty of adults to talk to in real-life.
But we just got home last night from our month-long vacation. I was worried it would be too long, but it was actually really nice. We weren't too terribly rushed and the boys had enough time to get comfortable with most everybody.
(Oliver got a little edgy toward the end there, but we're choosing to blame that on the copious sugar binges he was continually on)
So now we're back. And I'm remembering how much I hate adjusting to being back; to being the only adult around all. day. long. After being with Mr Renn all day every day it's pretty lonely by contrast, not to mention how much more work it is.
But, back to reflecting fondly.....
The Captain had a superb first birthday.
My family made sure (behind my back) that he got his fill of cake.
And his favorite gift was a pink birthday card from my grandma.
The HSF showed up, making me feel like a rockstar. (Actually everyone who showed up made me feel like a rockstar..........)
I got my owl fix, it's now out of my system - complete with Mr Renn's cheeseballs, arranged by my mom.
Yeah, we are nerds. But we had fun!
Lots more photo and video on my flickr.
Em I'm glad to see you're back and alive and doing well. It is hard to adjust after having so much fun. I am wondering when you guys find out where you are going?
Happy Birthday to the Captain. We wish we could have been there, we also would have liked to have gotten together with y'all, but we just soaked in all the family time we could I guess. I love your cleverness and originality with birthday themes. I wish I had 1/10th of your brain!
I saw that owl fabric the other day- I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! What are you going to make with it?
Happy Birthday Captain- can't believe it's been a year already.
Wish I could have been there to hang with HSF too...
I cannot believe that he is already a year old. wow. And I love the Graham crackers at his party.
Welcome home.
What a cute party! I'm so happy you invited us! We all loved it and the cookies and white suckers you sent home with us were gone in a flash. Peanut loved that Oliver's mommy made them.
so that's what hsf looks like!
i'm glad your vacation was wonderful. do keep writing; we love to listen.
That's awesome! What a fun time you must have had. So... we need to get together... sometime. ;) My brother is coming in next week and then we're going to the temple the week after that. So, the next weekend?
Happy birthday Captian!! A month long vacation? Nice!! You're almost there, just a few more months!
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