Thursday, March 04, 2010

While You Were Sleeping {or so I thought}

You know, there are days when a certain child of mine does things {with mysteriously procured markers} that cause me to feel suddenly, overwhelmingly fatigued.



Carolyn said...

From experience..the magic erasers are fantastic!! WD40 also works :)

hairyshoefairy said...

Yikes. I've been there. I swear they smuggle crayon, markers, pens, and pencils so they can hone their artistic abilities uninterrupted while they "nap." Magic Erasers have saved Peanut's life on more than one occasion.

Cam said...

I only wish we had taken pictures of every time this happened with our children. Sometimes the walls were gouged with ball point pens on all walls as high and low as the child could reach. :(

Hair spray use to help somewhat.

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