That's how long I've been a mom.
You know, to a real live person (Sir O).
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Did it go by fast or slow?
Is short years, long days an option?
Per my gestational slump, celebrations were below par.
Luckily this kid loved them anyway. He's still expectationless, and I'm relishing that while it lasts.
On the docket:
Sir O got to spend a lot of one-on-one time with his dad today. They ran errands, and then hit the water park.

(I stayed home and baked a strawberry birthday cake. I was pretty committed to the recipe by the time I realized how pink it was going to be....)

Mr Renn made a yummy dinner - smoked pork loin, dilly potato salad, mixed melon, bacon baked beans, and rolls. We invited his parents over and feasted. (I took Sir O to pick out balloons while dad made dinner. I love it that 6 helium balloons is all it takes to make a birthday official for a 4 year old).
After dinner we let Sir O open a few presents. Only one of the gifts I bought for him (online, I'm anti-leave-the-house lately) arrived in time. Luckily he liked it. A lot.
My dad wrapped up Sir O's special day with a ride on the horses. It was a first-time experience for both of the boys and they surprised me by not being the least bit scared. I'm pretty sure Sir O will be pestering my dad for rides incessantly from now on.

I'm relieved to say that despite my failing to plan anything impressive, Sir O seemed pretty thrilled with his day. (Which totally doesn't give me permission to slack off... except when pregnant or recovering from a cross-country move, or both.)

Happy birthday, Sir Oliver! It's hard to believe we've really been moms that long. I think the short years, long days idea pretty much has it covered. Yay for a low key birthday. The cake looks lovely. Also? How on Earth did you get Sir O on a horse? Peanut won't even entertain the idea.
Happy Birthday, Oliver!! Seems like it was just perfect for him!
It sounds very festive! I love what you did with the strawberries on the cake. What water park was that? It looks pretty neat! Happy Birthday Sir O! Wow, 4 years old!
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