Tuesday, March 22, 2011

it's about time

My glasses are 4 months shy of being 5 years old.  I think at that point you can safely say you are due for a change.  You can also safely say you've probably worked yourself into a rut, and that a big change is not likely.
getting glasses at Costco

So when Mr Renn and I ordered new glasses last week, I did not make a drastic departure with my choice of frames.  Slightly fancier, but the same basic look.

new glasses

The only big change is that I FINALLY have prescription sunglasses.  For the first time in my adult life I can simultaneously wear sunglasses and SEE!  You can't know what a big deal this is unless you are privy to the same conundrum.
Watch out bright world, here I come.

new glasses


Deena said...

Cute! I love them both.

aLi said...

Ooh I love your new glasses! Funny, I just got an updated prescription (and contacts to boot!). My glasses are probably the same age as yours. I was thinking I'd order some glasses off a discount glasses website (can't remember the name right now, starts with a Z...)
Anyway, congrats on new eyewear. You look cute!

--jeff * said...

i've just gotten used to not wearing sunglasses. maybe someday....

like you, i've gotten used to your frames and i quite like the look.

but i really dig these new ones. practical but classy and elegant.
definitely "you."

Em said...

Well, because I can't wear contacts AND am prone to headaches the sunglasses are a huge deal for me!

hairyshoefairy said...

I love the new specs! Very cute! Wearing sunglasses and seeing at the same time is HUGE. I can definitely relate.

Unknown said...

Cute Cute.

Bryce and Miranda said...

cute cute

Bryce and Miranda said...

Didn't know Bryce was signed in the first time :)

Lauren and Tyson Fiala said...

I LOVE them!

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