Wednesday, March 23, 2011

a portly gentleman

A certain 5 month old has been packing on the ounces lately.


 He's getting down-right squishable with multiple chins and chunky thighs.


Luckily Mr Renn's parents will be home  from Argentina in less than a month so they can kiss his cheeks.  I don't know how they can stand such a wait.  Sometimes I can hardly handle waiting for the kid to wake up.  This is the age of irresistible smushing.  I'm learning to enjoy these things before they're over.  Maybe if I have 12 kids I'll perfect it.  Or I'll lose my marbles.




Lizzie said...

Oh look at those little rolls in his legs. LOVE it! I adore chunky little babies, best for smooching on. ;)

Miss Crys said...

It's fun to listen and feel the growth you exemplify as a mother over the years! Good work Em!

hairyshoefairy said...

Aww! Such a yummy little guy!

hairyshoefairy said...

Also, if you and I manage to end up with twelve kids between the two of us I will die laughing.

K-Krew said...

Makes me miss the smushing age. Your boys are so cute and each have their own look. Sometimes I have to look twice when I'm looking at my boys' baby pics.

Angela said...

Aren't 5 month olds fun!

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