Tuesday, March 08, 2011

let's pretend - Nicole's Party with HSF

I've been reading Nicole's blog since it was about 20 posts old.  She's one of a handful of people I've watched become blogging superstars.  I found out she was working with my good friend from college, Leith when I spotted a photo of Leith in Greece on her blog almost 4 years ago.  You know, once you feel like you have less than 5 degrees of separation from a blogging celebrity you sometimes forget that they don't know you.  It would help if I wasn't so skimpy about leaving comments - but I spend too much time on the internet as-is.  I can't start beating myself up about that.

Nevertheless, when Nicole announced she was throwing a party in Orem last week.  I couldn't think of any reason I ought not to go - other than that I'm a loser.  So I asked HSF to join me since she loves me despite my loser-liness.  Mr Renn begrudgingly took over parenting duties on short notice and we went and had a grand-old-time.

Nicole's Party

We ate the awesome rainbow cake
We tested out the online classes
We chatted with people much cooler (or at least much braver about being cool) than us.
I got to feel tall for one of very few times in my adult life.

hsf with nicole's cake

We touched $800 pillows
We reveled in being surrounded by expensive breakables and not panicking about keeping small children from obliterating them.
We missed our kids a smidge.

nicole's rainbow cake

We talked for a long, long time about how desperately we both need words of validation.  And the crazy things we do to try to warrant them. And how our husband's think we're beyond crazy for it.
Then I came home and got to hang out with our gentleman.  All.Night.Long.  Sleep, who needs sleep?

Good thing I love my job.


hairyshoefairy said...

What a fun time! Can we do it again every couple of days? I think they should throw a party every weekend. I'd go with you every time!

Carolanne said...

My husband gives me a bad time about my need for validation too, so I'm glad I'm not alone.

The rainbow cake looks crazy. Probably took an entire day (or at least several ovens) to make. I tried to do the same thing with Jello once. Tedious work.

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