Sir O has fortunately had the best preschool teacher on the face of the earth. She is like Mary Poppins, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, and Nanny Mcphee all rolled into one. He has shed tears and had panic attacks at the thought of not seeing her regularly anymore.

For the graduation ceremony, each child had a short 4-line poem about a letter of the alphabet to memorize and recite. Sir O had no problem memorizing his, but I was not optimistic about the performance element. My child reverts about 3 years when placed in front of an audience. So far 2 talks in primary have both been reduced to Sir O giggling in embarrassment at the microphone while I tried 5 or 6 times to get him to say the first line. And if he does eek a word out, it's made unintelligible by the spin of "baby talk" he puts into it. So, baby-talking aside, I was pleased when he managed to complete his part. He is certainly not one of the more mature or tall kids in his graduating class, and it makes me a bit more comfortable with my choice to hold him back from kindergarten for another year.

When we were in Springville a few weeks ago and had a chance to introduce him to his new preschool teacher, I was happy to find how much she reminded me of his current teacher. And here's hoping that when graduation comes around next year our child is on the more participatory end of the spectrum. Just a hope, not a demand. It's hard not to have those as a parent.
Cute! I'm glad it went well! Just wait until he goes to Kindergarten! It makes my head hurt that I have a first grader in a few months. Oye.
i really wasn't expecting the "my child is already graduating" post so soon.
dang, they do grow up fast....
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