Our Captain started wheezing when he was about a year old, and as he's still wheezing whenever he gets a cold 2 years later, it would appear that he has the same cold-induced-asthma that my youngest brother was cursed with. This poor kid is rarely healthy between October and March. And we spend lots of time with our friend the nebulizer. The first year of using it was torturous, but somewhere along the way the Captain decided that he rather liked it, and he now settles down and cooperates beautifully. It's like he welcomes his little nebulizer coma. If it's anything like those times I was in labor and was put on Oxygen then I don't blame him, that was so relaxing.
So while having the asthma is a total downer, I suppose I ought to thank all the Pennsylvania taxpayers out there who supplied us with our nebulizer. The Captain thanks you too. We'll appreciate it for a long while yet at the rate he wheezes.
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