But I would be a sorry blogger indeed if I didn't share this little nugget of news with you:

Yeah, I know. It cannot be real, can it? I am simultaneously ecstatic and terrified. This is so great, and it's also, I'm realizing, so outside what has become my comfort zone. I'll have to let you know when it starts to seem real.
Last night when Mr Renn prayed for our baby as a "she" it was the weirdest sensation I can remember in many a year.
So in an effort to make "it" seem real - this pin board shall begin booming post haste. (Also - I shall find some time to post about our comings and goings of late. I am woefully behind.)
Yay! I am so glad you get to experience some girly frilly pinkness in your life after the boy thing! It is one of the BEST blessings in my life and heaven knows I needed it! I love every girly moment I get!
Yay! I am so glad you get to experience some girly frilly pinkness in your life after the boy thing! It is one of the BEST blessings in my life and heaven knows I needed it! I love every girly moment I get!
Yay! I am so glad you get to experience some girly frilly pinkness in your life after the boy thing! It is one of the BEST blessings in my life and heaven knows I needed it! I love every girly moment I get!
Em!!! YES!!! Way to go you two!!!! I can't wait!!!
Congrats! It's about time you had some girl toys to step on ;) I think it will truly amaze you how your boys will react to their baby sister. It just may melt your heart permanently.
luvs, aby
Congrats so excited for your little family...
I agree with Aby...after watching your boys with Sadie, they are going to be so cute with her!! Your boys were so sweet with her, and loved playing with her, and patting her head, and they all loved watching me put pigtails in her hair, every morning they would all crowd around and watch like I was doing a magic show. And Sir O in particular would entertain her for 15 or so minutes at a time with silly faces and crawling around and letting get chase him. It was so funny to watch.
Awww... so happy for you and Renn! Girls are a special blessing with their own charms. She will be a wonderful addition to your family! Congrats!
Awww... so happy for you and Renn! Girls are a special blessing with their own charms. She will be a wonderful addition to your family! Congrats!
Woohoo! I had a mom tell me recently that she loved the boy girl combo...with the girl being younger. Congratulations!
Congrats, Emily!
Yeah.. Congrats so happy for you and your little family!
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