Friday, December 16, 2005

My other home

I got to visit a friend last night, a very very good friend - the best kind. She's been in China for the last 3 months and she leaves for Germany (her home town to spend Christmas with her parent's) with her husband tomorrow. She was only home for a few days and she lives over an hour away from me - but there was no way I was going to miss seeing her. I'm not certain if there is anyone else I'd do that for.

And as ever she was the epitome of grace. She propped me right up with a cup of lemon tea, made me dinner, put me at ease, was interested in everything I had to say, really genuinely interested, and we talked for at least 5 hours without one single awkward moment. I wish everyone had such a friend who was such good company.

And she likes everything that is good and lovely and beautiful, which makes her an incredibly easy person to find gifts for - I see things I know she would love all of the time. It's an interesting contrast to my brother the Disaster for whom I still have no Christmas present. My mother asked him if there was anything he needed - thinking he might need to replace the appliances he's broken or the dishes that were shattered in fights, or (knowing he's a disaster) any other of the many many things he actually needs - he said he wants a new snowboard. I'd say he's not getting one because he has a multiplicity of expenses that need to be taken care of before he spends a red cent on going snowboarding - but that's just how he works, or doesn't work.

Renn taped the entire basement in one day - it may not have been the smartest thing ever. He worked from 8am to 11pm. When he woke up this morning he couldn't move the right side of his body. He's so sore he's fairly close to tears. I think we'll be using an entire container of icy hot today. Sometimes his crazy work ethic catches up with him. I hope he'll take it easy today - sometimes I worry.

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