Wednesday, March 21, 2007


While we're on the topic, this is the haircut I've been dreaming of for months. We'll have to see if I ever take the plunge.


hairyshoefairy said...

Love that cut! Every time I see that commercial I think how cute her hair is. I don't think it would take a lot of time to style in the morning and you wouldn't have to be "stringy-hair lady" anymore. :) It's a cute one!

Deena said...

Adorable cut. Does it come with that washer and dryer?

Katie May said...

Why is it that cutting hair is so extremely exhilarating and even contagious?? Just reading this makes me want to chop my hair off! How exciting! And I love that cut. But it only matters if you love it and if you do.....!

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