Saturday, May 26, 2007

Chasing Waterfalls

Wow - see me playing with blogger even though I'm perpetually tempted to leave it? I'll figure something nice and workable shortly.

My recent disappearance is easily explained. Sir Oliver had his first camping trip! A nice overnight visit to Rickett's Glen, complete with the 3+ mile waterfall hike ...while (mostly sleeping) in a front-pack being misused as a back-pack no less..... (thanks to our friend B for his help with the baby-toting!)

Good times! - Especially the 2-3 hour drive there and back! What a good sport Sir O can be!


Anonymous said...

Love the big picture of you and sir o

Melissa said...

** you can make your header picture smaller if you upload it to and then resize it to the "message board size". It will fit better. I just did this the other day. Great picture though!

aLi said...

Wow, you've GOT to teach me more about blogging. I am so clueless. How did you learn all your clever tricks anyway? For example, your cool profile photo? I cannot figure that out for the life of me. You guys all out there in blogging world are so smart.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful photos. What a beautiful blog you've got here. It's a smart move recording all this as these days get over so quickly.
I was just randomly passing "next"pressing and thought I'd say hi. I'm at
if you want to come by. You're most welcome. You might be interested in my recent posts about nursery rhymes. I did some research and didn't realize their origins!
All the best
Gledwood "Vol 2" ...

Deena said...

I love all of the pictures. Especially your new header. How did you do that? Please share. :)

Em said...

check out how to do the header on this tutorial

Guinevere said...

I've been wondering how my little tyke will handle camping. Any pointers?

Em said...


Ah, good luck.
Two things with a not yet walking but wiggley baby.

You cannot set him down, ever. So it was very helpful for us to have his big Graco travelsystem stroller with the tray. It doubled as a high chair, and we didn't have to hold him every moment. He could just sit in it and watch the adults and big kids, and he seemed content.

And also, figure out a sleeping solution before you leave. We had Mr Renn and Sir O and I all crammed on a twin air mattress, and Sir O was WIGGLEY! Not the best night's rest......

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