Tuesday, November 20, 2007

6 habits

Tagged by Kaydee to share 6 habits or quirks about myself.
Lets see if I can think of something you don't already know.

1.If I don't have enough light I will inevitably cut myself all to pieces when shaving my legs. I made Mr. Renn install extra lights in our bathroom, and I still struggle sometimes. (You know, when I get around to shaving.....)

2. I absolutely have to make shopping lists, or it is 100% certain that I will forget what I went to the store for once I get there. Something about the bright lights and neatly stacked produce just switches the eraser on in my brain.

3. Since becoming a mother and losing all sense of time and date, I am uber-hesitant to sign up for anything responsible for fear of accidentally flaking out... Only because I've done it so many times. Teaching piano has helped, now I usually know what day of the week it is, but can rarely tell you the time of day or day of the month.

4. I have to eat breakfast in order to be functional. Even if I don't get around to it until noon, I still have to have it.

5. I systematically come up with lame excuses to avoid driving after dark (which is what, 3:30 now?) because the roads here are terrifying at night. Winding, hill-ey, skinny, poorly lit, with high speed limits and trees growing right up to the road on all sides.

6. I compulsively bake. As soon as one baked good runs out, I involuntarily bake another. Some subconscious part of my brain just inists that I maintain it. The lastest is some wow-that-is-good eggnog bread. I'm telling you - it's a borderline secret-weapon recipe.


Deena said...

I've been struggling with number three lately myself. I have to rely on my computer to tell me what the day of the month is, and the other day it was wrong! I need to get out.

Carolanne said...

I have to do the shopping list for other reasons. If I don't have a list, I end up with way more things in the cart than I need (espically if I am hungry when I go). And I agree with the breakfast thing. You have to get started somehow!

Brittany said...

I'm with you on the breakfast thing too, and it can't be something sweet like a donut. Ick. Oh, I must have the eggnogg bread recipe. Hubby loves eggnog everything! I basically force myself to drink a cup every year, thinking I will have changed my mind and suddenly developed a liking.

Vanessa and Rebecca said...

I think you've got me on all of them. Seriously what is it about baked goods?

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Ditto on 2 and 3 also!:)

aLi said...

hee hee, you are hysterical and you make me laugh! Apologies, apologies. I'm sorry, but you are so funny! Even if you don't mean to be, and if it is at the mercy of yourself. :(
But thanks for sharing, I always thought you were perfect. I'm envious of you and your amazing talents.

aLi said...

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to add that I am with you on a lot of those things, too. So, don't think that I am perfect. (ha ha, what a funny thought!)

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