We had a nice, just us, mostly close-to-home weekend. In a low-key sort of way we celebrated Mr Renn's birthday a little early, because Tuesday will be full to the brim. We took Sir O to the library and scoured it for "train stories" (which were all read within 15 minutes of being home again). Had an outing at the park, because Sir O gets so stir crazy, and nothing cures him like having a playground to himself. (It is finally cool enough to require a jacket, and the leaves are AMAZING right now).
We picked up a few more pumpkins to paint (but didn't get around to painting them), ran errands, planned meals, and then celebrated with friends at Red Lobster (because it's all-you-can-eat-shrimp time). Renn opted to call it his birthday dinner, which is terribly ironic, because Mr Renn is a strong, self-declared hater of seafood. I guess good company won out over his palate this time.
We had a great time though, and a good waitress (which never happens to me). And most people must have thought we were all intoxicated because we were laughing so loudly. Well, Ashley got us started taking vibrating lip pictures, and it just is funny. I'm sure more incriminating ones will pop up in blogland soon. Until then...
Happy Birthday Mr Renn!
Happy upcoming birthday Renn! From the pic of Renn, dinner must've been a hoot! And you're looking good at 27 weeks!
that's a great picture of sir o.
and a nice one of mr renn as well. a happy birthday to him!
you've left me intrigued by this "lip buzzing picture" idea....
yeah so fun!!!
Happy Birthday Renn. Glad it was a good time for you!!
I'm feeling that way about writing, too. The brain power just isn't there. I love the lip buzzing pictures. What a funny idea. and I've forgotten (again) that Mr. Renn and NYDD have the same birthday. You'd think I'd remember this after 3 years, but no.
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