Still, Mr Renn and I agreed that the home-rehearsals are the best part of the whole thing. Perhaps we'll keep having them just because they are fun.
And ps, dear Mom:
Remember when I was talking to you this morning, then said, "I better go see what mess Oliver is making... I haven't seen him in a few minutes?"
Frist off I've been in Disneyland for a few days, so I just got to see the cute pictures Chell did for you. I love them! Come on really you shouldn't look that good prego. I love, love, love the one of you in your hat outside. That one is so perfect, and you look beautiful. Good luck with the next few weeks. I can't wait to see him.
I just saw your pictures Chell took as well and you look fabulous! Hey, i'm glad you still were able to go to Longwood this weekend. I hope your Christmas party went well!
Oh what a mess, but he's so stinkin cute. I can't believe you're already having that many contractions! And you've been having them since 19 weeks? They sure aren't making this easy on you. Hang in there!
Oh man look at that mess he made. LOL So bummed i had to miss the messiah, looks like ti was a great night!!
Kids will be kids I say. And I can only say that because I don't have to bend over with a melon in my belly and clean that mess up. Love you Em!
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