To celebrate the Captain woke up two hours earlier than usual, Sir O refused to eat his breakfast and is watching Oliver and Company (while pretending to be a dog) for the 800th time. Sound like a party?
Mr Renn left this for me on the kitchen table.

I will be baking my own birthday cake today. Sometime, maybe, if the boys let me.
Getting older seems a bit over rated at this moment in time. Can't I just be 22 again? Or at least have my 22 year old body back?
(I am in the throes of post-partum body issues. I am in the uber-shedding phase and seem to have an innertube inflated in my innards. Not a fan.)
Happy birthday, Em! Enjoy your cake and do something extra fun today.
I hear you on the body issues. I was in much better shape even just 5 years ago. *sigh* Ah, motherhood.
happy birthday, em!
i wish you time in the day to breathe, to enjoy what you love (whatever it be), and awesome moments with your family.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope today can be as good of a birthday as possible. Love you!
Happy twenty-somethingish Birthday! I stopped counting mine a long time ago, in fact, I sometimes forget how old I am. If that's not a sign of getting older, I don't know what is. Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Emily Dear! I think this calls for a girls nite out in the real near future!:)
Happy Happy Birthday!!
Hey, I saw you and there was no inflated inner tube in your innards any where to be found. :)
Happy Fantastic Birthday!
hahaha, your inflated innertube. Cracks me up! Oh, poor Em I really really don't like the poor stage you're in. And it's your BIRTHDAY?!?
You seem to be such a good sport about your birthday. I'd be in the throes of despair. Or maybe you are a little bit but are trying not to be. Anyway, I wish you a Happy Birthday, Em.
Happy Birthday! I want to see a picture of your cake. I hope you are able to enjoy your day.
Bestest wishes!
Happy Birthday EM! Have a great one.
P.S. I would trade inflated intertubes with you ANYTIME. ;)
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day and that your cake turned out super yummy. You look great! I was lucky enough to lose so much hair along my hairline about 4 months after Ellie was born that I seriously looked like I was balding. Thank goodness it grew back! Oh the joys!
Happy Birthday Em! You look great by the way, you certainly don't have to worry about any inflated inner tubes. I hope you have a fabulous day!
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