Saturday, March 07, 2009

Light as Air

Our traveling circus. We have survived the "to" part and are in denial about the "fro" part.
Learn from our mistakes. If you know for certain you will have to check baggage, investigate the airline's baggage fees before buying your ticket. If we had paid $25 more for at least one of our tickets, we could have saved $45-$60 in baggage fees. And no, of course they won't let you "upgrade" after you've bought your ticket. Feeling slightly nickel and dimed.... only $60 seems like a whole lot of nickels and dimes.

Our boys were so well behaved! Of only their GI tracks had been too. How many blow-outs can we deal with on one flight? Apparently 3. Yeah, you're jealous.

It was so nice having a row to ourselves! I didn't have to spend 7 hours trying to keep my kids off somebody else's lap. It almost made it "worth" having to pay for Sir O's ticket.

The Captain at 30,000 feet. His eyes looked awfully blue up there.

By the time we arrived I had a serious migraine, and eventually I caved and got my baptism by fire into the world of Imitrex. I was a big pansy about getting a fatty tissue shot in the thigh, but at least it worked! Although I have to say, the side-effect of uber-skin-sensitivity did not mix well with the breastfeeding. It was like having my milk come in all over again. And now you know.



Kori said...

Welcome home!

Chloe said...

Hey can't wait to see you guys. Too bad that Oliver won't remember me though. Can't wait to see Grahm!

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I'm so glad you made it!

The Perry family said...

I'm glad you guys made it! Blow outs are definatly a must on airplanes. I love the airplane pix!

--jeff * said...

thanks for the pictures from the trip- welcome back to utah! (honestly, it was warm here last week....)

Brittany said...

Glad you made it safely, and ouch about the shot and milk! Hope you're feeling better. I'm still hanging in there, and hope to make it to the blessing!

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