Life is not slowing down to allow me to blog about it.
As one awesome lady put it lately, "You're not supposed to have enough time to do everything you have to do. That forces you to choose." And making choices is largely what we are here to learn how to do well.
Definitely feeling the reality of not having enough time to do much of what I would choose. Plus the reality of not always being wise with the time I do have (my massive slothful streak)..... dangerous combination.
Anyhow... so.... Quebec and back again.
Thursday we drove 6 hours to Plattsburg, NY.
(The sun was bright, I wore Mr Renn's sunglasses over my glasses in an (successful) effort to thwart a headache.)
During those 6 hours we repeatedly bribed Sir O with the econolodge's swimming pool. Too bad both their indoor and outdoor pools were FREEZING. Due to the freezing-ness, the Captain appears to have caught the sniffles and has them still.
Friday morning we arrive in Canada and kiss our ability to read important traffic signs goodbye.
We met up with Mr Renn's parents who, after auditing French courses at WSU, decided to spend a month in Quebec to polish their skills via immersion. (For cool, huh?)
We packed light, so once we arrived in Quebec city, we were able to settle in quickly and head out for a few sights. Here we are admiring the St. Lawrence river from atop the walls of the historic ramparts.
We missed the changing of the guard at the citadelle, but taking advantage of the photo-op was still fun.
I think there must be about 700 old cannons scattered around Quebec city, and Sir O probably climbed on half of them.
Saturday, unfortunately, was rainy and windy and generally treacherous. We elected to brave the indoor amusement park in the Les Galeries de la Capitale mall. Oliver, despite a few overstimulated frenzies, seemed to enjoy the slow, red train....
and the fast green train (only in another country would they let a toddler ride this thing):
Sunday we attended the Quebec ward, then did some shift-work in an attempt to make the most of the time we had left. First Mr Renn took Sir O out with his parents while I worked on nursing the sniffly Captain back to health, then Mr Renn and I skipped out alone for an abbreviated version.
And from everywhere you can see the massive Chateau Frontenac. (Which is now a hotel). Mr Renn wants to go back and stay in it someday.
We were on the road by 6:30 Monday morning. Thus started the longest drive of all time.
We were through customs by 10.
By the last pit-stop of the trip both kids were screaming and writhing violently when we put them back in their carseats. I had to squeeze into the back-seat to try to keep the peace.
Sir O and the Captain were really both such troopers for putting up with the whole thing. Unfortunately we HAD to get back for Mr Renn to see his scheduled patients. I think we'll try to avoid driving anywhere with the kids for a few days.
I think three hour drives with one kid are treacherous. You are brave. Quebec looks awesome, I wish I knew French so I wouldn't be scared to visit. Does Mr. Renn Sr. get told he looks like Mark Harmon often, or is that picture a fluke?
That looks like the coolest trip and it looks like you had a fun time. I want to go someplace fun like that, even with the longest car trip of my life. What beautiful scenery.
i dig the post. i also dig:
-you with mr renn's sunglasses. i'm glad they worked, as well.
-sir o on the cannon reminds me of buster keaton in "the general." congratulations.
-i'm glad you and mr renn got some time together, and i hope you make it to that fancy hotel some day.
-love all the the pictures; they say a lot (good things)
Glad it was a nice, overall trip! Very good memories and lots an experience to remember....Glad you got to spend time as a family together.
My hubbie and I went to Plattsburgh for college, so we've taken many trips to Montreal... it is a beautiful city. I don't think we quite appreciated it in our early 20's. Great pictures!!!
It looks like a great trip. Car rides are not fun with kids, but it looks like it was worth it!
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