Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There are many many things I love about my life, but it's hard to top the welcome home I get from Sir O after a floral class.

Sir O + Flowers = bliss

He absolutely cannot fall asleep without both parents at home, so he's always up.
He rushes to see me with open arms.
He asks, "Did you get me flowers?"
And when I show them to him he oooohs and aaaaaahs like they were fireworks.
The whole interaction is positively dripping with warm fuzzies, and makes me want to swallow that sweet boy in a kiss.

(And this cute boy is beginning to stand on his own for moments at a time..... I am perpetually busy keeping him from busting his face on hard corners)
Captain binkieface


hairyshoefairy said...

Such sweet boys you have. Aww!

shelley said...

How sweet is Sir O?! That's a darling story.

Deborah at Kilbourne Grove said...

You are teaching him to love flowers, hopefully this will benefit his wife down the road when he brings her flowers!

The Hodges Family said...

So sweet...love those boys...and it doesnt hurt that they're so dang adorable!

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