Sunday, May 30, 2010


Mr Renn posting here: So I made it to Utah after only three days in the car. DSCN2524
My Brother and Sister-in-law left Wed morning and after one last breakfast at the Shady Maple, we headed west (and south) to the Shenandoah National Park and Skyline Drive. It is a 108 mile scenic route that travels the tops of the Blue Ridge Mountains in western Virginia. There were lots of overlooks and winding tree covered roads.


It would be a perfect trip for a convertible or a motor cycle.



We spent the night in a Charleston WV hotel and had an interesting encounter at Subway (the restaurant). We decided to get a lot of sleep and then just drive straight through. And so, on Thursday about 9 am we left WV and traveled through Kentucky, Indiana, Illinoise, and Missouri.
We broke for dinner in Independence Missouri. Then headed off into the setting sun. We passed through Nebraska in the dark and the sun began rising on us just outside of Cheyenne, WY.
We had a few car problems and managed to get home utilizing a borrowed paper clip in place of a fuse. What an adventure. So we rolled in to the valley around 2 o'clock on Thursday, after being in the car for 29 hours straight. It was a nice to see the country via a blink, and especially nice to cross Nebraska in the dark (for those of you who have crossed Nebraska you would know what I mean).
It is great to be here safe and sound.


Deena said...

Amen to that Nebraska part.

aLi said...

dude, you were in Independence? We are 15 minutes away! So wish we could have gotten together!!!

The Perry family said...

we're glad you made it safe! We hope settling goes well!

aLi said...

p.s. I can't believe you used a paper clip for a fuse. I'm glad you ended up NOT like McGruber. p.p.s. I understand what it's like driving across country, no hurt feelings!!! It is nice to just hurry and go! I still wish we could have seen you, but there will be more opportunities ahead!

Stina said...

at least you went through nebraska and not Kansas (smart choice!!)

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