Chief among them being the transition from a 50+ hour workweek to a 30-35 hour workweek. We're mostly excited about that, but there is some trepidation as he is easily prone to stir-craziness. If we can manage to cut his hour-long commute down to a 10 minute one, we are going to find ourselves with a barrel full of time.
My hope is that while most of that time is bound to get eaten up by long to-do lists and projects, that Mr Renn finally gets a chance to pursue some of his non-dentist aspirations that have been shelved for pretty much our whole married lives. The man wants to learn to play the bagpipes, certify as a master gardener, earn scads of indexing points, perfect recipes, and teach his kids lots of cool stuff. It's easy to remember how I fell in love with him.

We're just so out of practice in the realm of "pursuing interests" and "having a life outside of school/work" that we may have to get our sea legs as a family as we adjust to it all. It will be the first time since I've even known Mr Renn that he won't consider himself a student. And redefining your identity is always tricky.
And a little bit exciting.
1 comment:
i really seriously dig this post and all the hopefulness contained therein.
like, it's very awesome.
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