Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here's to Us

Grand America adventure

Mr Renn has been a busy beaver planning ways to delight his wife.  What was under the pretense of being a temple date grew into dinner and a night of respite at the classy Grand America Hotel. An early Anniversary celebration. (8 years on Tuesday - how did that happen?).

Grand America adventure

Mr Renn uncharacteristically jumped on the upgrade offer (thanks AAA) when we checked in and we found ourselves in an oversized apartment of a suite.  It was easy to feel right at home.

Grand America adventure

Our dinner was impressive and ever-so fancy. (Real Silverware)  The man at the table next to us didn't seem to think so (we've never hear anyone complain so much, and we were there to escape the whining of certain 5 and nearly-3-year-olds)

Grand America adventure

So rather than annoy the waiting staff with unreasonably complaints, we annoyed them by whipping the camera out every time they left us alone.

Grand America adventure

We felt like little kids left alone in our big fancy room, and we couldn't quite resist acting that way.

Grand America adventure

Best break from my every-day-reality.  EVER.  Best surprise. EVER.   Most fun we've had together in a long time.   I know that this kind of a respite is not often a possibility, but it is so nice to be treated like you are worth it when it can happen.  Worth it's weight in dollars.

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