Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Wow - I nearly disappeared, didn't I?
Well, since a dollar store purchase last week, sudoku has been eating most of my internet time. It's not really that rewarding for me, but I am getting better at it, and it helps me wind my brain down at night ("at night" means between 11pm and 2am, after I give up on the laying still in the dark method)
And I had a post from Saturday night with a video, but blogger keeps spitting it back out. And it really wasn't good enough to be worth 18 attempts at uploading it.

I've been marveling at the stamina I've been graced with as the mom of a diaper-wearing-solid-food-eating-tot. Nearly nothing that occurs naturally in a healthy body grosses me out. Will this fantastic gift leave me when I stop being a mom of a diaper-wearing-solid-food-eating-tot? I worry.


Deena said...

I marvel at your not getting grossed out. It's the stench that kills me.

Sudoku rocks. www dot websudoku dot com love it!

hairyshoefairy said...

I've wondered that too. Or what about when I'm pregnant again and have morning sickness? Will the sights and smells be too much for me then?

Vanessa and Rebecca said...

when you're pregnant, yes it will be too much. All I can say is candles, lots and lots of candles, although some of those stink as bad as the diapers themselves. Motherhood is an amazing journey. Seriously, if you described what we did in business terms people would think we were crazy to even attempt such a feat. I love sudoku but I stick with reading for relaxation

Brittany said...

Glad to hear that the grossed-outness goes away with mommy hood. Right now, in prego mode, it all seems too much for me. I still open my fridge and gag everyday. I was just talking with a bunch of moms last night about not being embarrassed (about modesty or bodily funcitons)during labor. It's horrifying for me to think about right now, but they reassured me that once I'm in the delivery room, I won't care about anything but getting the baby out!

Angela said...

Sudoku can definitely make a person disappear. I found myself addicted to websudko. They have a timer and then tell you how you rank compared to other people. The competitive side of me goes wild!

Guinevere said...

It's amazing what one can tolerate from her own offspring.

I made the mistake of picking up _Twilight_ for some bedtime reading.... Someone should have warned me!

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