Monday, September 22, 2008


Sir O for at least 90 minutes today.And while he didn't actually get anything clean, he didn't break anything either.
I, on the other hand, left a tupperware container on top of the oven, which melted while our pizzas cooked. I'm blaming it on preggo-brain, but I still feel lousy about it in a Charlie-Brown "everything I touch gets ruined" sort of way. Sheesh.


amyorr said...

Don't you love it when they find something that entertains them. Without you. I'm glad the only thing you had to clean up was water. I forget things lately too....and I'm not pregnant. at least I think I'm not. wait. am I? haha

em said...

We have a whole set of tupperware with melted rings in the lids or bases from that exact same thing.

I sure wish Li'l Mil would start helping out around here...he's getting to be kind of a drag on our economy.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! My 3 yr old likes to do dishes, too. I hope she likes it when she's older...

Stacey said...

We have a few melted tupperware as well, along with plastic spoons, spatulas, etc. So don't worry ... you're not the only one.

Krystal said...

It looks like he had a lot of fun! Give him time and before you know it, that little brother of his will be his new best friend and you wont even have to worry about the two of them. Well ok you might worry a little, but those boys will love playing together, and really sooner then you think they will be the best of friends. So cute for them, and so nice for you. Just think a year from now life will be so much easier!!! As for forgetting, does that ever go away after you have kids?

Lacey said...

emily i love it, that is why you are you, but don't feel bad just chalk it up to another magical moment by emily hess (sorry you are still emily hess to me!) love ya!

Eric and Megan said...

EMILY! I haven't looked at blogs in so long and holy cow, YOU ARE PREGNANT! I'm sure I'm so far behind on the news and I'm so sorry I didn't find out sooner! Congrats. I need to call you soon! Hope all is well! You look amazing by the usual!

Methodical Wormer said...

Don't worry about the tupperware. I have a friend who left eggs boiling on the stove (that ended up exploding all over her kitchen) and flooded her bathroom (by starting a bath and forgetting about it) all in one evening.

In other words, don't feel so bad, it could be worse:)

Carolanne said...

Did he stay dry? I do the dishes with an apron because I always manage to spray myself, but Sir O seems like a careful kid. Sorry about the Tupperware! It doesn't smell really great when it burns.

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